Thursday, February 2, 2023

Lighting Workshop Finale!

For this assignment, I used an environment from the Unreal marketplace. I lit it three times using Lumen raytracing. I attempted the three challenges for this study: using light to direct the viewer's eye, playing with color, and lighting the same scene at different times of day. 

Lumen Day Scene

Lumen Night Scene

Lumen Monochromatic

I think I had the most fun playing with color. Keeping the environment mostly in shadow was easier for this project, considering that the environment leans into being a 'shadowy place.' I wanted to try for a monochromatic scene which is achieved with the 'lava' scene. I also tried to use light and color to direct the eye - the night scene.

For this next image, I tried to recreate my Lumen day scene with baked lighting. I wanted to see how close to Lumen raytracing I could get with non-raytracing baked lighting. I think I still need practice with 'static' lights because when I was lighting, it was easier to use 'stationary' lights. The static lights were throwing a lot of really weird reflections on the rocks. It's something I will be investigating more in the future.

Stationary Baked Lights

Edit: It was the reflection captures. Which, in hindsight, duh. Issues with reflections? Check the reflection captures! I relit the scene again, but this time I used only static for the lights, including the directional light and skylight. With more time, I think I could have the lighting look a bit closer, but I'm happy with how it came out.

Fully Static Lighting

I had a lot of fun during this whole Lighting Workshop:)

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